4 keys to finding your stars

What the heck am I thinking? Who’s going to want to read this junk? There are a million blogs out there. What makes mine any different?

These are the first words that come to mind as I delve into my public writing journey.
It’s unfortunate, but true. Diminishing thoughts, weaseled their way in to thwart my honorable attempts. The thing is, I’m a glass half full kind of girl. I love a good challenge, and yet I question myself. I could go on about how hard it is to imagine that there are people out there making $28,000 a day (Huffington Post) blogging about news and inspirational stuff, or about how slim the chances of having a successful blog really are. But the truth is, if I told you these things, I would not only be fooling you, but myself too. These statements are road blocks placed in front of myself to ward off potential future failure, and it isn’t the first time. Here’s me betting you’ve cut yourself short about something at least once this week too.
Well, I think today is a good day to decide to change those thought patterns. It’s time to say, I CAN do what I’m passionate about AND be successful doing it. Come on, what do you say? Are you up for it?
Key #1 Admit that you CAN
So how does it work you ask skeptically? I picture the minds spinning.
  1. “It sounds great, but I know my brain, and it just does’t work that way. I’m your everyday Eeyore.”
  2. “I’ve got too many things on my plate to worry about right now.”
  3. “Until things slow down I can’t even being to think about taking a challenge to do what I’m passionate about.”
  4. “There are hardly enough hours in the day to get my regular work done let alone do anything I want to do.”
  5. “Once I get my life in order, then I’ll do “it” (insert word of choice).
  6. “If the timing was better then I would do “it” (insert word of choice)
  7. “I’ve mentioned my idea to a few people and no one really thinks it’s good. It was probably a stupid idea in the first place.”
The list goes on and on, but let me tell you, you will always be able to find a reason for “not now”. Trust me, I know! The real kicker my friend, is that “now” is happening. Don’t let it go! Ten minutes from NOW is ten minutes you’ve cut your potential short. I’m not saying the decision to take this challenge will automatically change your life, nor am I saying every idea you have is going to be the real jackpot. Who knows, maybe the people you mentioned your plan to are correct in saying your idea doesn’t hold much value. My question to you is, HOW DO YOU REALLY KNOW IF YOU HAVEN’T TRIED?
Words are just words, and an idea is just that until you take action. All you need to do is take the first step and commit your mind to believing you can succeed, then, you’ll be on your way to doing what truly fulfills your soul. Success is in the journey. Even if your endeavor results in failure, you have still succeeded in something new.
Key #2 Stop chasing “Not Now”
Previously I mentioned a very successful blog, Huffington Post. Although I did refer to the amount of money that particular blog makes PER DAY, I’ve concluded, and you should too, that “Its not about the money, money, money, we don’t want your money money money, we just want to make the world dance, forget about the price tag.” ….Ok yes, that just happened. Thank you Jessie J for such a great song that speaks volumes. I swear, only a few people around me looked.
But really, it isn’t about the money, right? Sure, money is great, but should it be the driving force of why you do what you do?Generally if you are doing what you love, the money will follow. Of course it’s not going to fall on your door step or grow on the money tree in the back yard. It’s still going to take hard work and dedication, but if you enjoy what you do, you’ll wonder how in the world you’re getting paid for so much enjoyment. It’s like taking candy from a baby… although if you enjoy taking candy from a baby we might need to have a completely different discussion altoghether.
Key #3 Forget about the Money Money Money
So if it’s not about the money, then what’s it about, you ask? Well, the truth is, that answer will be different for everyone. I do what I do because I enjoy helping people, sharing words, and creating sounds. For me It’s about creating things that can move and shake the ground we stand upon. Though not necessarily to show the world what I can do. Sometimes (in fact, a lot of the time) I create things that only I will ever see or hear. It allows me to express myself in a way that’s best for my soul. To sum it up simply, It comes down to doing what you love and loving what you do, whether for the world, or for yourself.
Key #4 Do what you love and love what you do
So here it is plain and simple. I aspire to inspire you to find happiness in simply being you, and encourage you to chase your passions because YOU ARE good enough, and YOU DESERVE to be doing what fulfills you. I want you to find that you can let go of the feelings that require you to do a certain something because of money, or status, or because you feel you have to prove something to someone other then yourself.
  • You say, I want to be successful. Well first of all, what is your definition of success? According to the dictionary, success can be summed up in a few words, a favorable or desired outcome. Who are you allowing to decide your outcome?
  • But I want to be the best, Well, sure, if that’s what fills you up and gives your life purpose, peace, and happiness. I’m not talking the kind of happiness you get from sipping on a glass of wine or downing a cold pint of super hopped beer (yes I’ve been known). Not the kind of happiness you get from eating the tastiest canolies or ice-cream in town. Not the kind of happiness you get from hearing a compliment or going off on a spur of the moment adventure that gives you a rush on life.
Although those are all good and fine for a moment, the kind of happiness we all truly desire and deserve, but might not be in touch with is zen like. Zen as in a total state of togetherness of body and mind. It’s dropping the illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts. You know, the kind of feeling when you wake up each morning and get excited about starting the day. A place where food and drink nourish the body and feed relationships with friends and family.
A place where your mind is at ease, where ideas are free to roam and societal pressures are a thing of the past because you are satisfied with who you are right now at this very moment. Sure, you may have goals and things you are setting in place to make changes, but you have made a conscience choice to love your self “NOW”. This place is found in self empowerment (deriving the strength to do something through one’s own thoughts and based on the belief that one knows what is best for oneself) and self confidence (realistic confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, power, etc.) and it is POSSIBLE.
Now hear me out. Everyone, I mean everyone had down days, and it’s ok feel that way sometimes. If it’s a regular occurrence, there’s a chance you may need a little external guidance to get you to the place I’m talking about, and I highly suggest you reach out. Everyone needs a different type of intervention in life to reach the brightest side of things, but just remember, it really is there within arms reach, even if it this moment, it feels a million miles away.
So take the challenge and join this quest for personal success! Share your story below. What has or hasn’t worked for you?   Check back regularly for more words, music, photos (and free stuff (bonus!!) ) that will inspire you to LIVE life to the fullest everyday.
Never give up, keep looking in, and reach for the stars!